Bringing Awareness to Foster Care And Adoption Speaking Engagements
We Were You Foundation President Vanessa Rigby had the pleasure of sharing amazing information regarding our foundation as well as foster Care & Adoption Awareness at True Praise Family Worship Center EntrepreneurRead More...
National Adoption Month
National Adoption Month was a celebration that the We Were You Foundation, Inc. celebrated to commemorate the importance of the month of November.
Bowling for a Great Cause
Bowling for a Great Cause was a community activity that the We Were You Foundation, Inc. participated in.
Sweet Cases Donations
Sweet Cases Donations was held on January 28, 2015, where the We Were You Foundation, Inc. donated 5 sweet cases to foster children at the Chapman North Early Head Start/ Head Start. Each bagRead More...
Classy Connections and Communications
Classy Connections and Communications interviewed the founder of We Were You Foundation, Inc. at their radio station.
Last Jacket and Sweater Donation
When we adopted my two daughters from a children’s shelter, not only were the girls presented to me with trashbags for suitcases but also no jacket or sweater. When asked if theyRead More...
2nd Jacket and Sweater Donation
When we adopted my two daughters from a children’s shelter, not only were the girls presented to me with trashbags for suitcases but also no jacket or sweater. When asked if theyRead More...
Feeding South Florida Kickball Tournament
Feeding South Florida Kickball Tournament hosted by Lighthouse of Alms, Inc. on September 20, 2014. The Winners of the kickball tournament were the We Were You Foundation, Inc.
1st Jacket and Sweater Donation
When we adopted my two daughters from a children’s shelter, not only were the girls presented to me with trashbags for suitcases but also no jacket or sweater. When asked if theyRead More...